5 FREE Website Traffic Generation Techniques and Tools that Work in 2020

5 FREE Website Traffic Generation Techniques and Tools that Work in 2020

Free Website Traffic Tools

There are many options when choosing to drive targeted traffic to your website or blog, but unfortunately, a lot of quality traffic sources cost a fair amount of money. For all those that are still at the start-up stage of their online business, paid-traffic methods may simply be out of reach. But the good news is that there are plenty of free options when it comes to free targeted traffic, but you must be willing to put the time and effort in if that is the path you're taking.

1) Write and Submit Articles

There are three main objectives that every Internet Marketer should grasp before progressing with Article Marketing. Firstly, you must always remember to create content that is driven by keywords that relate directly to your specific niche or topic. Secondly, always be sure to link the article back to your website, without being spammy in any way of course. Third and finally; remember that when you are Article Marketing, the main idea is to get YOUR name out there and become an authority in your desired niche.

2) Link Exchange for SEO (Reciprocal Links)

Keywords are definitely not the only aspect of a website that search engines find relevancy in; links to other sites with similar interests or the same niche-base have become a much higher relevance to search engines these days. Keywords have been abused so much by some webmasters that links are now gaining a lot more favour, in the eyes of Google at least.
If your niche-competitors rank higher in Page Rank value than you, linking your website to theirs may often increase your website's relevance score with the search engines, and once you notice the increase in traffic to your site from doing this, you'll realize it was well worth your time doing.

To save you some time, here is a current list of just a few High PR Reciprocal Link Exchange Sites:

    3) Join Online Forums Dedicated To Your Niche

    Due to the anonymous-nature of the internet, skepticism is a real speed-bump when it comes to running an online business. Sadly, because of the many famous internet scams that were over-glorified by the media and ended up with thousands of negative experiences, individuals are much less likely to trust anyone that they have never met personally. This is where Online Forums come in. Forums can provide an effective and honest way to build meaningful relationships with others online and, in-turn, attract new customers through trust and Personal Branding. By signing-up with forums related to your particular niche and connecting with others in your area of ​​expertise, you get access to online communities that enjoy sharing similar ideas and interests, and a possibility of future potential customers.
    The easiest and fastest way to find relevant forums for your niche, is to head over to Google and do a quick keyword search. In the search bar simply type in "online marketing forums" or "internet marketing forums" etc. This will not only return literally thousands of relevant forums in your searched for niche, but also give you a fair indication of how well regarded they are by Google. The order in which they are listed in the results shows how popular each forum is when related to your searched keyword terms.
    Be sure to only post relevant and topic-related information to forums and genuinely get involved with discussions. Always have a signature linking to your website or chosen url, because that is where your forum-traffic is going to come from.


    Here is a list of some very popular Internet Marketing Forums:

    4) Free Website Traffic Tools (SEO)

    The online world is full of free website traffic tools that produce impressive results.

    Here is a short list of free website tools that I strongly recommend trying out:


    Answer the Public is an amazing free tool that syphons Google auto-complete queries in bulk-amounts and then segregates them into individual lists. Basically, this is an amazing site for finding out what people are asking in the Google search engine.


    Find and fix website SEO problems. The main big difference with this site is that you get to download the SEO Crawling Software and use it personally.

    TRAFFIC TRAVIS (My personal preference)

    The same free software the SEO Professionals use to rank some major company websites. With the Traffic Travis Software you can:

    - Perform a FULL SEO health checks on any Website.
    - Uncover technical mistakes that may affect your search engine ranking.
    - Find out why competitors outrank you, then beat them!
    - Brilliant keyword analyzing tool
    - Find respected link partners and build quality links
    - And plenty more!


    This is a free Reddit Keyword Research Tool. Basically, you simply start typing in the name of a particular subreddit then pick from an auto-generated list. After choosing a subreddit, click on "Get Keywords" and then it will extract all the keywords from that selected subreddit.


    This web page analyzer breaks down the structure and content of your web page and assesses the build quality and content quality from an accessibility, usability and search engine point of view.

    5) Business to Business Marketing Strategies (B2B)

    What is B2B Online Marketing? It is simply when products and/or services are sold to other online businesses instead of selling to standard online customers.
    B2B Online Marketing is starting to become more popular than ever. Business customers now expect you to have a strong presence online. The creation of a website is no longer considered a stand-out feature in the internet marketing world. This is seen as a standard part of normal online business practices.

    Here are some B2B Network Marketing Websites that I personally use, and they are all completely free to use:

    Using this platform to build your business is a very smart decision. Besides being the fastest growing business network for Independent Business Owners, this platform has a huge collection of amazing tools that are designed to get your business the exposure it needs.

    Linkedin is the world's largest professional network and now has over 610 million users!

    LeadsLeap provides members with free web-tools and ad widgets, and they have amassed an advertising network covering 10,000+ websites, with daily ad impression of 700,000+. You can advertise FREE and get Real Visitors who are interested in your offers. Most of the other members own businesses of all different sizes, so it is a great site to get b2b business leads.


    Earn currency by discovering people and content. Use that currency to promote your own content, or invest in other people in the Social Stock Market. Collect currency (called Eaves) for every Mission you complete. Use your currency to launch your own Missions and promote the content that YOU care about.

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      ORIGINAL ARTICLE: https://www.vastonlinetraffic.com/2019/05/5-free-website-traffic-generation.html
